Hiroshima pref.

They brew sake in the cold region of Kamishikogen-cho, in the mountains of Hiroshima Prefecture. The cold climate and Hiroshima Prefecture’s traditional soft-water brewing method are used to create sake with a “rich rice flavor and a cool, refreshing taste.

<JG> SHINRAI Black Label Junmaiginjō -shu 

Alc – 15%

Rice – Senbonnishiki

Polishing rate – 55%

SMV – +1

Acidity – 1.6

Yeast – KA1-25

<JM> SHINRAI Blue Label Junmai-shu

Alc – 15%

Rice – Senbonnishiki

Polishing rate – 60%

SMV – +3.5

Acidity – 1.4

Yeast – KA1-25

<JM> SHINRAI Green Label Junmai-shu

Alc – 15%

Rice – Hattannishiki

Polishing rate – 60%

SMV – +4

Acidity – 1.4

Yeast –

Distributor : Please ask staff

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