Nanawarai Brewery Co.,Ltd
Nagano pref.

Nanawarai Brewery is located in the southwestern part of Nagano Prefecture, surrounded by high mountains and making sake in a valley.
The concept behind our sake is that “sake is a supporting role for food. We aim to create a sake that enhances the flavor of the main dish without interfering with it.

<JG> Nanawarai junmaiginjo

Alc – 15%

Rice – Miyamanishiki

Polishing rate – 55%

SMV – ±0

Acidity – 1.6

Yeast –

<JG> Nanawarai junmaiginjo sankeinishiki

Alc – 16%

Rice – Sankeinishiki

Polishing rate – 55%

SMV – +3

Acidity – +2

Yeast – Nagano-D

<JM> Nanawarai junmaishu

Alc – 15%

Rice – Miyamanishiki / Kinuhikari

Polishing rate – 60%

SMV – +1

Acidity – 1.4

Yeast –

Distributor : Tanesei Tradings

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