Aumont Sake Brewery Inc.
Niigata pref.

<JDG> Yume Junmai Dai Ginjo

Alc – 16%

Rice – Koshitanrei

Polishing rate – 40%

SMV – +2

Acidity – 1.3

Yeast –

Comment from brewery : Yume Junmai Daiginjo has been very well received in neighboring Malaysia and has won many awards in recent years, including the Kura Master.

<JG> Yume Junmai Ginjo

Alc – 15%

Rice – Domestically produced rice

Polishing rate – 50%


Acidity –

Yeast –

<JM> Junmai Umakuchi Emblem

Alc – 15%

Rice – Domestically produced rice

Polishing rate – 60%

SMV – -5

Acidity – 1.8

Yeast –

Distributor : Please ask staff

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